Monday, October 22, 2012

y luego no nos conocemos....

Enseñame a olvidar lo que siento por ti
como nuestro amor llegó a su fin
enseñame lo que tengo que hacer para olvidar el dolor
de perderte a ti, de perderte a ti, de perderte
Juguemos un juego pa olvidar lo que tenemos,
cuenta hasta tres y luego no nos conocemos
todo quedó en historia, olvidaste mi memoria
y pa asegurar no recordarte, cero zanahoria...

Me mori...
Eso de que cuenta hasta 3 y luego no nos conocemos...
.... es que es imposible... como tu borras una persona, enterecita,
con todas sus manías, sus vicisitudes, sus pensamientos, sus palabras, sus acentos, su presencia
su forma de caminar, sus besos, su todo... como uno lo borra?
That's like erasing a whole fucking decade of my life...
O sea, como se hace eso?! Alguien que me diga !!

It's like that stupid song, "Somebody I Used to Know"
I guess the first thing is that I've never had a break up so terrible that I've never again spoken to an ex
Not once.
And then there's the fact that I've known you... foreeeeeever.
When I had glasses and was a complete dork
When I could never go anywhere
When I finally started to come out of my shell and make friends
When I was finally bold enough to hug you (and felt like I almost died)
When I got smart and snuck out of my house... in the middle of the night... to go to the parties at your  house... and sneak a couple drinks, hope to get to talk to you for a bit...
when we would climb to the roof of your house to look at the stars and talk
when you would come visit my house and have to sneak out when my parents got home
when you left the country... and then when you came back
when I left the country and didn't come back
when you moved to Philly, when I moved to Atl
... and that's like... 4  years ago still...
de ahi pa'lante es que pasamos las mil y una...
los viajes, los pleitos, los pikes, las canciones, los amigos, la uni juntos
there's too much that's related to you...
I feel like Joel, from Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind... his whole world is fading before his imaginary subconscious self, and he's trying to hold on the very last, infinitesimal bit of Clementine
and now I feel the same...
I'm trying to grasp that last bits of you, of us, that I can find...
tu gorra, tu camiseta, los peluches que me diste, las cartas que me escribiste...

I don't want to forget... I don't want to let go...
I'm losing my mind here...
pero al final de cuentas, subconscientemente ellos cruzan caminos otra vez...
so I guess it's just a matter of time, right?

I can't forget...
Entre la cama y la puerta, el vacío que siento no me deja disfrutar
Por mas que me ocupo, por mas que me entretengo...
I'm working on a "Fake it til you make it" mentality here
and it's certainly not working... at all....

As much as I enjoy food, and I eat like a tank,
Todo me sabe a cartón.
Nada me interesa...
Not working, not studying, not being busy
Not artwork, not redecorating my whole apt...
nothing is fun.
...nothing is fun ...
without you, babes 

I keep myself "entertained"
doing things to keep the motions going, and stop my brain from thinking
Pero yo toy a un punto que no me importa...
prefiero pasarme la vida peleando contigo que "gozando" con otra persona
nada me sabe igual, y no me gusta
Estoy en huelga de afectos
y si no yo no tengo el tuyo, pues nadie va a tener el mio....

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